Sensory Integration

Vestibular Sense

The vestibular sense, also known as the movement, gravity and/or balance sense, allows us to move smoothly. We are able to maintain our balance while engaged in activities because of this sense. While vestibular helps us with balance while we walk and run, it also helps us stay upright when we sit and stand.

Where does the vestibular sense come from?

Believe it or not, the vestibular sense actually comes from parts of the inner ear! Our sense of balance comes from our inner ear communicating with the brain. Together, they help us to have a sense of balance and orient to the space around us. This helps keep you standing up straight and remaining in place.

What are some examples of the vestibular sense?
Holding up head: A great early indicator of baby’s vestibular skills is the ability to hold up their head! This sense helps to develop neck strength, which is important in early development.

Learning to walk: Baby is able to balance and take their first steps because of the vestibular sense! They are able to begin walking once they feel balanced, and strengthen their balance sense as they get the hang of it.

Riding a skateboard: We are able to balance on the board, bend knees at the right time, and stay upright using this sense.
Sliding down a slide: Because slides often have bends and curves, we use our vestibular sense to go down a slide and enjoy the ride instead of becoming dizzy and disoriented.

Walking on a curb: We maintain balance while walking on an uneven surface and adjust to keep our body balanced.